Organised by

Guernsey Literary Festival

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Supported by

Guernsey Arts

2017 Winners

Judged by Gwyneth Lewis

Open Poetry

  1. 1st

    Demeter’s Lament  Sally Douglas

    Read poem
  2. 2nd

    Spiders  Gabriel Griffin

    Read poem
  3. 3rd

    Monsoon  Sally Douglas

    Read poem
  4. 3rd

    One Concession and Child  Fiona Ritchie Walker

    Read poem

Channel Islands’ Poetry

  1. 1st

    Afterthoughts  Julia Meredith

    Read poem
  2. 2nd

    Love Poem  Marlene Morris

    Read poem
  3. 3rd

    La Fête Du Cidre  Wendy Falla

    Read poem

Young People’s Poetry

  1. 1st

    The Timeless Waltz  Isaac Powers

    Read poem
  2. 2nd

    Old Folk  Eilidh Lang

    Read poem
  3. 3rd

    Where I Want to Go  Alex Soulsby

    Read poem

Poems on the Buses Exhibition

  1. Bus

    Ambush  Elizabeth Lavers

    Read poem
  2. Bus

    Anchoress  Ian McEwen

    Read poem
  3. Bus

    Avocado  Sharon Black

    Read poem
  4. Bus

    Buy Local  Lester Queripel

    Read poem
  5. Bus

    Clear Night  Pat Borthwick

    Read poem
  6. Bus

    The Cliff  Sally Douglas

    Read poem
  7. Bus

    Coppicer  Pat Borthwick

    Read poem
  8. Bus

    Disentangling  Donald S. Murray

    Read poem
  9. Bus

    Drifted Down  Shauna Robertson

    Read poem
  10. Bus

    Elsie  Judy O’Kane

    Read poem
  11. Bus

    First Aid  Chris Kinsey

    Read poem
  12. Bus

    Insurgence  Janet Lees

    Read poem
  13. Bus

    Into  Abigail Parry

    Read poem
  14. Bus

    Love Song in Old Age  Doreen Hinchliffe

    Read poem
  15. Bus

    Memory Stone  Pamela Trudy Hodge

    Read poem
  16. Bus

    Monkfish  Judy O’Kane

    Read poem
  17. Bus

    My Ladybug  Pauline Boateng

    Read poem
  18. Bus

    Pencil  Steve Voake

    Read poem
  19. Bus

    The Perfect Pair  Guy Russell

    Read poem
  20. Bus

    Pumpkins  Pauline Hawkesworth

    Read poem
  21. Bus

    Sark Dark  James Willis

    Read poem
  22. Bus

    Siamese Fighting Fish  Peter Kenny

    Read poem
  23. Bus

    Skateboarding  Caine Langlois

    Read poem
  24. Bus

    White Cotton Curtain, Outdoors  Sharon Black

    Read poem