Organised by

Guernsey Literary Festival

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Supported by

Guernsey Arts

2024 Winners

Judged by Paul Muldoon

Open Poetry

  1. 1st

    CONCH  Iona Roisin

    Read poem
  2. 2nd


    Read poem
  3. 3rd

    Bewick  Jo Haslam

    Read poem

Channel Islands’ Poetry

  1. 1st

    After Guernésiais  Theodore Cross

    Read poem
  2. 2nd

    Goit  Shaun Shackleton

    Read poem

Young People’s Poetry

  1. 1st

    Remember  Tomos Wynne

    Read poem
  2. 2nd

    A Love Letter  Beth Parker

    Read poem

Poems on the Buses Exhibition

  1. Bus

    Basho at Dawn  Tom Bryan

    Read poem
  2. Bus

    Carboniferous Limestone  Michael Powell

    Read poem
  3. Bus

    The Electrician  Vanessa Lampert

    Read poem
  4. Bus

    Gaslight  John Atkinson

    Read poem
  5. Bus

    The Geese Return  Alison Stark

    Read poem
  6. Bus

    Hat  Andy Jackson

    Read poem
  7. Bus

    I tried to write a break-up poem
    but I wrote this instead  Tom Bailey

    Read poem
  8. Bus

    Low tide  Lynda Plater

    Read poem
  9. Bus

    The Optimism Principle  Ken Evans

    Read poem
  10. Bus

    Sir Lowry’s Pass   Sarah Frost

    Read poem
  11. Bus

    The sparrowhawk  Margaret Wilmot

    Read poem
  12. Bus

    THE SWIM   Sally Festing

    Read poem
  13. Bus

    Things i can finally afford  AV Bridgwood

    Read poem
  14. Bus

    When the Knacker Man Visits the Barn   Christina Thatcher

    Read poem