Organised by

Guernsey Literary Festival

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Supported by

Guernsey Arts

Jonathan Edwards, Wales, UK

2nd prize: Open Poetry
Poems on the Move & Poems on the Buses Exhibitions


When my grandfather worked on the railway, he was issued with two pairs of serge trousers. He wore them all day, and every night, he placed them between the bed frame and the mattress, so the weight of his and my grandma’s sleeping bodies pressed them into flatness. All those dreams, all that tossing and turning, and the trousers lying there, spending the night getting smarter. Imagine, say, the night my grandparents made my father – how they might have slipped from bed the next morning, my grandmother humming, heading towards the kitchen, my grandfather pulling from under the mattress, a pair of serge trousers – good as new, ready for anything.